Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super, Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

Hello All-and happy Ash Wednesday (for those of you who celebrate Lent.) So yesterday was both Super Tuesday and Fat Tuesday which according to my muse (Ellen Degeneress) made it Super Fat Tuesday. I took it upon myself to not only vote in the primaries but also to bake a bunch of yellow cupcakes. Yellow cupcakes you ask? Yes-I love yellow cupcakes and chocolate icing. Since I am giving up sweets for Lent (TOUGH,) I thought I would go out with a bang yesterday and eat cupcakes. I had TWO. They were WONDERFUL. I had to divvy up the rest and send some with Kevin to his work and I brought the remainder here. My drive for sweets is so strong I dont trust myself with cupcakes in the house-so off they went.

That's all for this dreary Wednesday. Have a wonderful hump day:)

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