I signed Molly up for an "Intro to Agility" class at Grey Dog Lodger in Lenoir City. Every Monday, for the past 6 weeks, we have gone to class where she learns both commands and different agility obstacles. This is a canine event dominated by border collies and other herding dogs, but I thought it would be a good way for her to learn some advanced commands, meet other dogs, and expend some energy. I also thought we might have some fun together..and we have been having a blast.
Last week we began "sequencing" which means doing the obstacles one after another. I have some videos from last week. As a disclaimer, please disregard my appearance. It was hotter then the hinges of hell and we had been at it for an hour by the time these were taken. I thought only Molly would get a workout-but um, no its allot of running around for me too. The squeaking noise is her toy...some dogs will do this for food and some for toys (Molly falls firmly into the later camp.) Also note...most of these videos show us trying a couple of times, if at first you
don't succeed, try, try again:)
This is Molly doing the A Frame and then the tunnel.
Here she is doing the hurdles....this one was tougher then most since it requires me, as the handler, to be very clear with my expectation (something I
don't have down yet.)
And last...the tunnel followed by the A Frame...a little tougher still since she needs to have serious momentum off the tunnel to make it up the pitch of the A Frame (also comes down to me being clear and giving her plenty of room)