I called him on my way home from work on Friday and he said he was already at my house. We had 6:30 dinner reservations and it was around 5:15 so I didn't think much of it. On some level I thought that he has purchased this army truck he has had his eye on and I was fairly consciously preparing snarky comments about the purchase. Not because he had purchased a big truck-but because he purchased something that looked like it should be on MASH, literally. Anyway-that's what I thought he was doing there. My imagination even went so far as to think he might have bought me flowers to ease the blow:)
I walk into the kitchen and am greeted by Bailey....wait for it....in a tuxedo. I thought that was odd...i remember thinking-where did he get that followed by how damn cute is he??? So I was puzzled. Then I noticed he has a note on his back. Scott was in the kitchen doorway and told me to look at the note. This was my first inkling that something was up....

The note was a poem, from Baileys perspective on why we "Bailey, Molly and I collectively" should keep Scott and go so far as to marry him. I was floored. Then Scott got down on one knee with a spectacular vintage ring and asked me to spend my whole life with him. I said YES!!!!

I really thought we would get engaged this summer, so the timing totally threw me. I didn't see it coming AT ALL. I also am so extremely excited and happy with how he did it. Scott and I talk all the time about how Bailey taught me the patience and humor that is needed to deal with someone that is a bit grumpy sometimes. Bailey can be a total sour puss. Scott has his moments too. The fact that he included Bailey in such a very special moment reminds me how lucky I am to have him...and of course Bailey and Molly too.
And because everytime someone finds out I am engaged they feel compelled to ask-NO, i don't have a date yet;) I need to sell my house first then on to wedding planning...