A quick Halloween catch up. Scott and I partied not once, but TWICE on Halloween. We started the day off with a kids party-where the
constant drizzle forced us all to stay inside. We gorged on mummy hot dogs and sausage balls-and enjoyed ourselves despite the weather. Then later that day we went to a friends house to partake in some trick or treating. The men planned a hayride which was very fun, even though very wet due to CONTINUED rain. By evening it was more like a downpour. But there were treats to collect, and no kit
kat could be left behind so we soldiered on. Before leaving Scott debuted his costume-which was a HUGE hit. People were really "barrelled" over by it;)
Because of the reflective nature of the safety
barrel it was hard to photograph inside. I still like this because of the beer

Second try...I was getting closer;) Note the light-yep it flashed.

Me and my
barrel man.

The whole crowd, minus Scott, ready for some trick or treating-HAYRIDE STYLE!!

The only thing I
don't have a picture of is Scott directing neighborhood traffic in his costume. It was hysterical. I was laughing too hard to capture it on film-that and it was raining buckets.