Friday, August 21, 2009

Lake, Pool Repeat and the Tale of Two Toddlers

I have been mildly absent from my blog this summer. I am having a great sunshiney time, but I feel my readers might get bored of hearing about lake, pool, beers-repeat. But that is more or less what I have been up too.
A few weeks ago my mom came for a visit. We had lots of shopping and sun fun. She had a special request while she was in town-she wanted to meet Lottie Sue. We met up with Jen and the small toddler of the hour for lunch. Here is a photo of the three of them;)

Later that same day we went to a BBQ. Mom won over her second toddler of the trip-Carter. Here they are eating smores. To clarify-Carter is noshing on smores and mom is more or less supervising.

Note- I have already begun to plan the simple, outdoors wedding of Lottie Sue and Carter. If only their parents would let me arrange their marriages;)

Mom and I did much shopping and bought some really cute stuff for the house-more details to come of course.

Next up I will have the garagement update.